Social Self Consciousness – Reluctance Type

Defaulted, neglected upper-tier markets which are left to competitors, ignored upper level products, low quality sales recruiting…

Familiar with these behaviors?

Social Self Consciousness Reluctance type is a highly concentrated form of call reluctance. Devotees practice the inverse of target marketing: target avoidance.

Some Socially Self Conscious salespeople complicated matters by insisting they are not call reluctant. According to them, they can initiate contact with anyone – unless, of course, their prospect fits into a group they have emotionally targeted to exclude from their market. Typically, Socially Self Conscious salespeople shun prospects with wealth, prestige, power, education or social standing.

Socially Self Conscious salespeople favor coping through abstinence. They ritualistically excise wealthy, educated prospects from their market.

This type is not one of the most common one of the 16 types, but it’s very expensive when it come to sales with up market clients. They have tendency to change jobs quite often which will affect recruitment cost in the long run.

You can cure this behavior in your sales organization by running Power Up Your Sales Workshop + Coaching.  We do recommend you using Full Spectrum Advocacy/SPQ GOLD Assessment in your recruitment process so you don’t hire people with too much sales call reluctance.

We also suggest that you participate in our Master in Sales Excellence Workshop where you will learn how to handle, analyze and cure Call Reluctance.

Here you will find more about Sales Call Reluctance and 16 different types.