
Looking to learn more about Confident Approach and Sales Call Reluctance?

Confident Approach is presenting a series of short and focused recorded webinars designed to help people find more information about Sales Call Reluctance and possible solutions for prospecting problems in their companies.

Webinar with Calle Baumgarten CEO Securdia AB

Master in Sales Excellence - Webinar

Webinar about the Management Training Workshop

Webinar - Sharpen your sales (SWE)

Self Promotion & Personal Branding

-WEBINAR- Så påverkar urvalet försäljningsresultatet (SWE)

-WEBINAR- Så påverkar kontakthinder försäljningsresultatet (SWE)

Visibility Management – Varför vissa medarbetare syns (SWE)

The dirty little secret - Webinar (SWE)

Is Your Culture Working Against Your Salesforce - Webinar (ENG)

Why Your Sales Team Struggles - Webinar (ENG)

Recruitment Indicator No.1 - Webinar (SWE)

Ledarskap och Kontakthinder - Webinar (SWE)

Rädda chefer får rädda medarbetare - Seminar (SWE)

Oppositional Reflex - Webinar (ENG)

Over Preparer - Webinar (ENG)

Recruit Top Sales People - Webinar (ENG)

Stage Fright SCR - Webinar(ENG)

Telephobia SCR - Webinar (ENG)

YielderSCR - Webinar (ENG)

Visibility Management - Webinar (ENG)